Post-Wedding Blues & Fatigue...And Why SLOW is OK

Post-Wedding Blues & Fatigue...And Why SLOW is OK

This photo is my attempt to bring some joy into this Monday. But I have a confession to make, post-wedding, I've had a hard time finding joy.

I've had a hard time slowing down even though my body is now forcing me too.

I've been exhausted all summer.

It's probably a combination of post-wedding blues and some adrenal fatigue.

Makes sense. For an entire year I pushed and pushed.

Pushed for MORE.

Pushed my body to lose fat and gain muscle, so that I could feel my best for one of the most important days of my life.

Pushed my mind and spirit to continue building my coaching business.

Pushed myself to perform well in my 9-5 attorney life.

Pushed myself thru coordinating wedding events, coordinating guest travel, navigating personalities and individual needs.

Pushed myself to remain present in my relationship, and schedule quality time with Chris, so we didn't lose ourselves in wedding prep. Btw, I'm so proud of how graceful and patient we were during that whirlwind, both to each other and to our inner circle.

Pushed myself to show up for all of our events and have an amazing time, even when I was tired. Because I was so grateful for the LOVE and generosity being poured out for us.

And yes, sometimes you're so exhausted that even showing up for FUN, feels like a lot.

As I recap the last year, I shouldn't have been surprised when my mind and body screamed "We're both COMPLETELY DONE with pushing, Lo! We need to rest." 

But I was. And, I kept trying to push. Instead of resting, I wasted time beating myself up over:

  • not getting thank you cards out within a month (they're coming soon!)
  • not sorting thru gifts and returning what we didn't need right away
  • not launching my group coaching program right away (also coming soon - #GrowServeProfit)
  • not keeping up with my workouts
  • procrastinating on my casework

Last week I explained this whole mess to my therapist and she asked, "why do you view rest as a waste of time? Don't you also grow while you're resting?"

Mind blown.

YES. Our cells regenerate while we sleep. As kids, we literally grew in our sleep. Our most creative ideas come while showering, driving, walking aimlessly (AKA while our minds are at rest, and on auto-pilot). In that moment, my perspective on rest totally changed. #MIRACLE.

And believe me, I know all about self-care. But I've now discovered that I can even be a tyrant even about my "self-care." I'm here to tell you that you can completely defeat the purpose of self-care by berating yourself when you don't get thru it all. You know the meditation, prayer, journal, yoga, ridiculously long routine you've created. Lmao.

So after 2+ months of fighting, shaming, and ignoring my soul's call for a hard stop, I'm embracing it! As of last Thursday, I've been allowing SLOW TO BE OK.

My sis and I sat on the couch all day Saturday watching Basketball Wives of LA and Very Cavallari, and, except for folding laundry I didn't allow myself to multi-task. Big win!

And, guess what? Since slowing down, I've got so much more done! I know my productivity junkies are like "YASSSS."

Today, remind yourself that you are VALUABLE for just being, and not just for doing.

Slow is OK. Your life will not fall apart if you take some down time.

Your to-do list will live on! Promise. It will be waiting with bated breathe when you're ready to attack again.

If you're crazy af like me, and this was helpful, please let me know below or on IG. I need all the support I can get!

XO - Lo