Pregnancy & Healing

Pregnancy & Healing

Today, in the shower, I waved the white flag.

I surrendered. I ended the battle I’ve had with my body for years.

Let’s back up a bit, in case you’re new here.

About a year ago, I reflected in an IG caption, about the fact that I’ve evolved so much in so many aspects of my life – my relationship, my spirituality, my ability to remain grounded no matter the circumstances, etc.

Yet my relationship with my body remained light years behind the rest of my soul evolution.

Despite knowing that I am blessed, highly favored, and just a cool ass human, I still struggled with negative thoughts about my body.

I still wrestled with a shitty pattern of restriction and overindulgence.

This time last year I was racking my brain trying to figure out how I was going to lose the 30 lbs I’d swiftly put on after my wedding.

Then Labor Day weekend, we found out we were expecting Chase, and oddly enough all those negative thoughts seized.

It was a miracle.

I spent the following 9 months taking great care of my body.

I did yoga daily and on the weekends I hit the stairmaster and lifted weights with my husband.

I also ate whatever I was craving. Sometimes that was fresh food, sometimes it was sausage biscuits from McD’s (hello first trimester!).

For the first time in my adult life I trusted that if my body was asking for it, it needed it.

I had to trust my body because I sure as hell didn’t know how to best build a human from scratch!

I’m not gonna lie to y’all. The first few weeks of this new #YoLoLife I kept waiting to pack on the pounds.

I hopped on the scale once a week, thinking, this is the week the other shoe falls.

It never happened.

I gained 6 lbs first trimester,

8 lbs 2nd trimester, and

6 lbs 3rd trimester for a grand total of 20 lbs.

To top it all off, my body astonished me during labor & delivery, and in the week of healing since.

So this morning, I had to bow down in reverence to my body.

And, I vowed to never again tolerate a negative thought about it.

I’m fully aware that the hormones are surging right now, but fuck it! I’m happy to put them to good work.

A miracle, after all, is a shift in perspective.

And, AMEN for this one.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you start your own body love journey, whether it’s as a result of pregnancy or not:

  • Your body was made to help you thrive in this life. Trust its desires. Give it what it’s asking for.

  • Do things your way. Everyone has an opinion, but yours is the only one that matters. Yes, do your research, ask questions, but ultimately tune into your own wisdom, and do it your way.

  • Your ENERGY is everything. Make sure you keep it clear. Expect the best from your experience.

  • Stay LIMBER, both in your physical body (hello yoga!), and in your spirit and expectations. There will be plot twists, but as long as you know you have your own back, and you won’t abandon yourself, you can get thru it all.

What was your experience in pregnancy and post-partum?

I am an open book when it comes to this experience, so feel free to dm me on IG, if you’d like to chat! (@loly_love)