Loraine Martinez

Do you feel entitled to quick success?

Loraine Martinez
Do you feel entitled to quick success?

A feeling that lingers behind the scenes on many of my coaching calls with clients (and my own!) is entitlement.

Entitlement is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

And, it is usually the feeling caused by some version of these thoughts:

  • I should be further along.

  • This should come easier to me, look at him and her, and them they’ve grown so much, wth.

  • Why is this so hard?

  • What am I missing?

  • Why does it look so easy for others?

Tbh, these are some of my favorite unhelpful thoughts in business, lol. So I know them well.

I also know that the more time I spend in that thought landscape, the harder everything feels, and the less progress I make.

I end up stuck and pissed off.

Instead of moving forward, I sit in judgment of the work I’ve done, and the progress I’ve made. Nothing ever feels like enough.

And, its because I have unconsciously assumed that things should be easier for me, because of who I am and what I’ve accomplished before taking on a new venture.

As successful professionals, we tend to forget that it took a while to gain the skill, expertise, influence, and respect we have today.

There was a DAY ONE. We just forget what it felt like.

As you contemplate expanding beyond your current career, I want you to remember that expertise and confidence takes time.

Sidebar: Check out this throwback video 4Cs of Consistent & Courageous Action.

Yes, some skills are easily transferable, but some are not.

One of my clients is expanding beyond her storied legal career for big law + big tech, into her own legal practice in a new arena.

She will be able to lean her reputation and expertise in the legal field, for sure. But she is also learning how to market and sell her services. Something she hasn’t had to do yet, and which will probably be uncomfortable.

But that discomfort doesn’t mean anything about you personally. It just means you’re learning something new and you’re human.

If left unchecked, entitlement will have you thinking you should be further along, and entice you,slowly but surely, to quit.

What if you’re exactly where you should be today?

What if the big break you’re waiting for is right around the corner?

Keep going. You got this.

If you need support spending less time in entitlement and more in curiosity and belief,1:1 coaching is for you.

Schedule a 1:1 consultation at www.calendly.com/lorainemartinez/clarity.

I know your brain. I am you. Just a few steps ahead.

Coaching is NOT just another thing your to-do list. It is a guaranteed value add.
Come on in, breathe a deep sigh of relief, dump out your mental purse, and decide to be intentional with your precious life.

xo - Loraine